29 Temmuz 2015 Çarşamba


Human body is beautiful
It is way to protest
It is way to show love
It is way to show sadness
It is a way to exhibit
It is a way to open secret feelings
It is a way to express what you want
Nudity is beautiful

Nude photography is a style of art photography which depicts the nude human body as a study. Nude photography should be distinguished from
glamour photography, which places more emphasis on the model and her/his sexuality, and treats the model as the primary subject. Nude photography should also be distinguished from
erotic photography, which has a sexually suggestive component. Nude photography is also distinguished from
pornographic photography, which is of a sexually explicit nature.
Many photographers consider an art nude photograph to be a one that studies the human body, rather than the person.
A photograph of a person that is meant to be recognized is called a portrait, and nude photographs often do not show a face at all.
Nude photography is generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position.
As an art form, nude photography is a stylized depiction of the nude body with the line and form of the human figure as the primary objective.
Photographers sometimes use extremes of light and shadow, oiled skin, and shadows falling across the body to show texture and structure of the body.
Why do nude photographers like to photograph cats with nude women?
Maybe because cats:
"In reverie and in anger
they are like women
and when they look into your eyes slowly and slothfully,
they seem to bring a strange fever.."
(Kavadias,greek poet)

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