29 Temmuz 2015 Çarşamba


Let’s get this straight.
Are you annoyed because you have an atheist friend who talks about religion more than anyone you know?
Do you find them irritating, or hypocritical?
Do you ever arrive to a party late and everyone there is already drunk?
This is EVERY day to us.
To us, it all feels like obvious bullshit. And yet for some reason we turn on the TV and what do we see?
-Mass homophobia, STILL.
-Climate change denyers
-Wars, and terrorist attacks
-Women are treated like shit, pretty much across the religious spectrum
And we are surrounded by people, constantly, every day, who honestly, with all their heart, believe in a talking snake and that a man and his family built a boat that housed two of every single land animal on the planet, plus food and fresh water for a year.
We believe in science and we’re surrounded by people who deny science because they believe in a book simply because 1) quite simply, the location of their birth and 2) because their parents read the same book, and probably their parents before them.
The discovery of dinosaurs didn’t destroy religion.
The discovery of the Americas didn’t destroy religion.
Being presented with the limitless vastness of the universe hasn’t destroyed religion.
But time and reason will. It already is.
Make no mistake, Atheism is growing. The same way you don’t believe in Thor(what a ridiculous idea right?), we don’t believe in your god. And we will be on the right side of history, as long as you nuts don’t wipe us out first.
I’m an atheist, and I will be vocal. Every. Single. Day.

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