5 Ocak 2016 Salı


Tomek Zaczeniuk was born in 1978, and he is a talented photographer and digital artist. He loves to create parallel reality with help of photo-manipulation and music.  In these images two most powerful things are affecting one is image and second is sound. He is brilliantly showing an imaginary world which has stunning nature along with over size animals. Please have a look for your inspiration!
Today surreal portraits of animals by Tomek Zaczeniuk will be presented. He is young talented artist who loves photo manipulation and digital art to show his thinking. All portraits are unreal but eye-catching as they precipitously fascinate viewers look at them.
Animals from Tomek Zaczeniuk’s eye;

Can you imagine life without animals? I can’t. They are not only our best friends, but what is more important that they are the necessary element of global nature balance. Without them we couldn’t exist. It’s very sad that our activities around the world make their lives so complicated, hard and dangerous. We have to do all we can to repair everything what we have destroyed.
It’s not only about saving endangered species. I also dream about the world in which all creatures could live in peace with human kind. Is it possible? I hope so. Just imagine, if the last plant died – we all would die. If animals were gone – we all would be gone as well. Is it so hard to understand this parallel?
In these images, I decided to use animals as the main characters. They are so much better than humans. It’s my own way to say “Thank you, mother nature, for giving me a place to live.”

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