15 Ekim 2015 Perşembe


Humans are cruel.
Humans are killers.
Before guns it was knives
Before that it was stones
Invasions, burning homes,
Stealing lives and loves
The world is a horrid place
So they seem to think
To make us fear each other
Hate the very things
The very things that make life
We should see them as bad
So they say to listen
So they say us to live
So they say us to follow
Only for gain

Then die
Just forget
Only forget
And remember and repeat
Humans are good.
Humans are kind.
They live, love and laugh
They have the gift of hope
Helping them all to cope
Through evil human things
Sowing seeds and 
Sewing angel wings.

Humans are strange.
Humans are incomplete. 

The world is wonderful place
Full of kinds of fantastic people
Be deaf to the endless lies
The unending hatred 
Spewing from your tv
Good people are good people
Nothing else matters
Some people are gay
Some people are straight
Some people are both
Some people are good
Some people are bad
Most people are both
People are people
And people don't deserve to be hated
To be discriminated
To be abused

It is time to embrace love
To embrace people for what they are
Human and humanity
We are human, after all
So what else matters?

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